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Pinhal Interior Sub concession – IC3 Section – Condeixa / Coimbra (Ecological Systems Monitoring)

Typology Ecological Systems Monitoring
Project worth
The Pinhal Interior Sub concession intends to enhance the accessibility of the entire secondary roads infrastructure network, particularly the IC3 and the IC8.
This project starts at the Avelar Norte/Condeixa section, close to the border between the districts of Coimbra, Miranda do Corvo and Condeixa-a-Nova, and ends near the border of the district of Mealhada, where it establishes a provisory connection to EN336, until the construction of IP3/IC2, where in the near future will be established a junction (km 24+600).
This project had its environmental studies approved, in a previous phase. It was submitted to Impact Assessment Evaluation (AIA) procedures, previously named “IC3 – Tomar/Coimbra” and “IC3 – Coimbra/IP3”, a 13 km extended project, that originated an  Environmental Impact Statement (DIA), with a conditioned favorable opinion, respectively in may 9 and December 30, 2008. This projects were later on modified to fulfill the requirements mentioned on the Environmental Impact Statement
In the scope of this project, AGRI-PRO AMBIENTE has been in charge of ecological systems monitoring, that includes mortality and exclusion studies for different fauna groups, the establishment of flora and habitats monitoring programs and a specific characterization of fish communities.



Amostragem com pesca elétrica

Amostragem da avifauna


Caracterização de flora e habitats

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